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Feb 12, 2014

Social Work Professor Linda Williams Honored for Undergraduate Advising

Last Month, Professor Linda Williams, Director of the Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) program, received the College of Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty Adviser Award for her outstanding undergraduate advising 

Feb 5, 2014

Students Conduct Research for Stop Hunger Now in Dominican Republic

NC State graduate students in the Masters of Social Work (MSW) program are conducting on-the-ground research for international nonprofit Stop Hunger Now in the Dominican Republic, where they are visiting medical facilities, orphanages and schools to evaluate the impact Stop Hunger Now is having there. 

Jan 30, 2014

NC State University Faculty Member wins NASW-NC Advocacy Award

NC State Department of Social Work Faculty Member Professor Barbara Zelter Selected as NASW-NC Myrna Miller Wellons Advocacy Award Recipient! Congratulations! Read Article here! 

Dec 23, 2013

December Student of the Month

Ashley Shaw is a senior majoring in social work. A university ambassador, orientation counselor and Phi Alpha Honors Society member, Ashley has studied abroad in Guatemala and worked with groups that promote awareness about relationship violence. She looks forward to earning her master's of social work after graduation. 

Nov 15, 2013

Department of Social Work Head Appointed to Peer Review Committee at ACS

Professor Karen Bullock, PhD, LCSW, Social Work Department Head, has been selected by the American Cancer Society (ACS) to serve as a member of the Peer Review Committee on Oncology Social Work Training. 

Nov 15, 2013

US Fulbright Global Food Security Presentation

Social Work students and faculty presented their Stop Hunger Now Collaborative poster on November 5, 2013 at the US Fulbright Global Food Security Presentation. 

Oct 30, 2013

CHASS 101 Opens Doors and Minds

Knowing where you are, where you fit in and the community’s expectations of you: it all matters. Even more so when you are a freshman entering a campus of more than 34,000 students. CHASS 101 offers an orientation to the culture, resources, research methods, and interdisciplinarity of our unique college. 

Oct 29, 2013

Study Shows Innovative Program Helps Limit Domestic Violence

The statistics are horrifying. Nearly three in 10 women have been stalked or assaulted by their partner, and states reported investigating abuse cases involving 5.9 million children in 2010. Social workers and social work researchers are constantly searching for ways to address domestic violence, and new research from NC State shows that at least one recent program is making a difference. 

Sep 18, 2013

Partnering to Help People through Animal Loss

Mental health professionals are increasingly asked to counsel clients through animal crises and loss, despite a dearth of formal education on the human-animal bond. Jeannine Moga, licensed clinical social worker (LCSW) and Advisory Board member of the NC State Department of Social Work will present a seminar to help close the gap in knowledge and practice… 

Sep 3, 2013

MSW Alum Raises Awareness of Birth Defects

Kayte Thomas (MSW 2013) is a recent graduate of the master's of social work program. In addition to being a mother, she is also a national award-winning advocate and a published researcher on the education and prevention of birth defects.