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study abroad

May 5, 2014

My Manchester Adventure: A Social Work Field Placement Abroad

Social work major Ana Lima shares her perspectives on studying abroad. She worked to create NC State's first field placement and class schedule for an international social work student at Manchester Metropolitan University in England,where she is spending her final semester as an undergraduate. She shares the joys and challenges, saying she wouldn't trade her experiences for anything in the world. 

Feb 5, 2014

Students Conduct Research for Stop Hunger Now in Dominican Republic

NC State graduate students in the Masters of Social Work (MSW) program are conducting on-the-ground research for international nonprofit Stop Hunger Now in the Dominican Republic, where they are visiting medical facilities, orphanages and schools to evaluate the impact Stop Hunger Now is having there. 

Dec 23, 2013

December Student of the Month

Ashley Shaw is a senior majoring in social work. A university ambassador, orientation counselor and Phi Alpha Honors Society member, Ashley has studied abroad in Guatemala and worked with groups that promote awareness about relationship violence. She looks forward to earning her master's of social work after graduation. 

Sep 5, 2012

September 2012 CHASS Student of the Month: Caitlyn Duran

Caitlyn Duran is a senior in Social Work who is an active volunteer in the Raleigh community and has a passion for music and theatre. After graduation, she plans to earn an MSW and become a counselor for sex trafficking victims.