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Embodying Social Work Values Award Winners Selected

School of Social Work Award Winners pictured above. Justin Walker (top left), Reagan Griffin (top right), Alex Parsons (bottom left), Trinette Langley (bottom right).

The first annual Embodying Social Work Values Awards winners were recently selected by popular vote.

The awards had five different categories, including: MSW Student, BSW Student, Faculty, Staff, and Alumni. Those voting were asked to vote for persons from each category that best represented social work values and ethical principles, as laid out in the NASW Code of Ethics.

The following individuals were selected for each award category:

  • MSW Student: Justin Walker
  • BSW Student: Reagan Griffin
  • Faculty: Trinette Langley
  • Staff: Alex Parsons
  • Alumni: Demetria Murphy

Our School is proud to award these exemplary individuals, who have been model community members at NC State and beyond.