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NC State School of Social Work Statement: June 4, 2020

The NC State University School of Social Work grieves with the nation as we continue to experience the senseless deaths of unarmed Black people. These murders bring new momentum to our efforts to confront the racism that continues to plague this country and devalue the humanity of Black people and other people of color. Overt and subtle racism throughout our institutions has snuffed out life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness for too many for too long. We recognize and mourn the pain caused by racialized violence. We understand the rage fueled by our nation’s silence and complacency, as generations of Black Americans have faced cold hearts and no response to peaceful pleas for simple fairness.

We honor our profession’s social justice mandate and call to action. We commit to strengthening our efforts to eliminate systemic racism and other forms of oppression. We commit to the ongoing work of listening and learning more, and to identifying and eliminating our own biases and fears. We commit to speaking up when any person or group is demeaned or dehumanized. We commit to advocacy and action, beyond mere words of care. We stand united with everyone who demands equity and respect for all.