Minor in Social Work
Become A Social Work Minor Today!
About Our Program
Are you ready to pursue a minor in social work? Our Social Work Minor program is designed to boost your knowledge of the social service system, major social welfare programs, and elements of the profession of social work. This is an excellent minor for students interested in combining a primary academic area, such as sociology, political science, or psychology with social welfare and professional social work content.
Becoming A Social Work Minor
First, review the requirements to become a social work minor and the courses you are required to take to complete your minor here. Be sure to consult your primary advisor to discuss adding a minor!
Application for admission to any university minor program is now available via MyPack Portal. Admission will be based on the student’s academic record, and in most cases no longer requires departmental review. Learn more about how to add a minor.
For additional questions about our Social Work Minor Program, please contact Ms. Danielle Fox.