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Hello and Goodbye: New and Retiring Faculty

New Faculty

Kim AndreausProfessor Kimberly Hale Andreaus is the newest faculty member of the Social Work Department. She serves as the MSW field coordinator. Her background is in community health and older adults with an interest in severe and persistent illness and geropsychiatry. Andreaus hopes to bring her enthusiasm and experiences from her 20 years as a social worker to help students and support them as they apply knowledge and skills of social work practice in an agency setting. Welcome, Professor Andreaus!


Retiring Faculty

Linda WilliamsProfessor Linda Williams will be retiring from the North Carolina State Department of Social Work after 35 years of dedicated service to our social work community. She has been committed to service throughout her career and has championed efforts to ensuring the success of students. Through administration and leadership, student advising, program and course development, and service to the community, Williams has made a strong impact. She hopes she will be remembered for the many ways she helped others get to where they are today, for the times when she was a student’s adviser or when someone just needed to stop in and talk. Current and former students and faculty can attest to her positive impact. The department wishes her well in her retirement. Thank you for the dedicated commitment you have shown our department and our community.



Professor Kathy Osborne began her social work career in 1971. She has worked with many agencies and organizations in the area through the years. Osborne feels her greatest accomplishments are serving as MSW field coordinator and, later, BSW field director, as well as developing and growing the Volunteer and Career Fair at NC State. She fondly recalls the daily three-mile walks she has taken with her co-worker and friend Linda Williams. Once she retires, she will miss the students most of all. To see them graduate and succeed in the field has been a meaningful result of all of her hard work. As for retirement, Osborne says she will think of it as an adventure. She plans to enjoy her family, clean her closets, and continue studying abroad in Guatemala. Professor Osborne, thank you for all you have contributed!