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Congratulations Social Work Fall 2014 & Spring 2015 Graduates!

Graduation 2010 at the RBC Center. Photo by Marc Hall photo by Marc Hall   The Department of Social Work at NC State University would like to congratulate it’s Spring 2015 and Fall 2014 BSW and MSW Graduates! The Department would like to welcome it’s graduates to the field of social work and wishes them well with all of their career goals and other aspirations. Fall 2015 Bachelor’s of Social Work Graduates: 20 *This number includes two Summer Session II graduates who have only Field Seminar to complete over the summer* Spring 2015 Bachelor’s of Social Work Graduates: 39 Spring 2015 Masters of Social Work Graduates: 55 The Department of Social Work is also proud to announce a student-led initiative to provide English – to – Spanish translation during the graduation ceremony. For the first time, graduation programs were available (by request) for graduate family members. Translation included an on-site translator who provided Spanish speaking attendees with audio headsets so that they could understand what was being said during the graduation ceremony.