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Student Melds Business Entrepreneurship With Service

Meredith Davis
Social Work major Meredith Davis leads NC State’s Nourish International chapter.

As interest in the field of social entrepreneurship grows, student organizations are being formed that combine business entrepreneurship and service. Nourish International, an organization that invites college students around the country to be a part of the solution to global poverty, launched its NC State chapter in fall 2014. Meredith Davis, a sophomore majoring in social work, serves as NC State’s chapter leader. The group will conduct social entrepreneurship business activities on campus and then use the profits they earn to fund poverty reduction projects in countries around the world. “There is a business element to Nourish International, which makes it different from your typical study abroad type program,” says Elizabeth Benefield, program coordinator for NC State’s Social Entrepreneurship Initiative. Benefield is helping Davis as she works through the logistics of starting this new organization on campus. “I love that I’m getting entrepreneurial experience while I’m also serving people, which is something I’m passionate about doing,” says Davis. “I’m excited for the chance to go to under-served parts of the world and implement sustainable programs that those communities can continue, even after we leave.” By Caroline Barnhill An earlier version of this article appeared in the college’s Accolades 2015 magazine.